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LATAM Airlines Group SA (NYSE:LTM)’s share price rose 5.6% during trading on Monday . The company traded as high as $10.20 and last traded at $10.17. Approximately 794,455 shares were traded during mid-day trading, an increase of 57% from the average daily volume of 507,217 shares. The stock had previously closed at $9.63.

LTM has been the subject of a number of recent research reports. ValuEngine raised shares of LATAM Airlines Group from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research note on Monday. Goldman Sachs Group initiated coverage on shares of LATAM Airlines Group in a research note on Monday, July 16th. They issued a “neutral” rating and a $12.00 price objective for the company. Finally, Zacks Investment Research downgraded shares of LATAM Airlines Group from a “hold” rating to a “sell” rating in a research note on Tuesday, July 24th. Three equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating and four have given a hold rating to the company. The stock currently has a consensus rating of “Hold” and an average target price of $15.00.

The stock has a market capitalization of $5.70 billion, a PE ratio of 37.35 and a beta of 1.88.

LATAM Airlines Group (NYSE:LTM) last issued its quarterly earnings results on Monday, August 20th. The transportation company reported ($0.19) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing analysts’ consensus estimates of ($0.13) by ($0.06). The business had revenue of $2.26 billion for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $2.46 billion. LATAM Airlines Group had a return on equity of 5.45% and a net margin of 2.27%. Sell-side analysts forecast that LATAM Airlines Group SA will post 0.36 EPS for the current fiscal year.

Several hedge funds have recently modified their holdings of the company. Standard Life Aberdeen plc grew its holdings in shares of LATAM Airlines Group by 144.6% during the second quarter. Standard Life Aberdeen plc now owns 222,300 shares of the transportation company’s stock valued at $2,199,000 after buying an additional 131,400 shares during the last quarter. BlackRock Inc. grew its holdings in shares of LATAM Airlines Group by 7.3% during the first quarter. BlackRock Inc. now owns 2,317,232 shares of the transportation company’s stock valued at $35,662,000 after buying an additional 156,994 shares during the last quarter. Stevens Capital Management LP purchased a new stake in shares of LATAM Airlines Group during the second quarter valued at $243,000. KBC Group NV grew its holdings in shares of LATAM Airlines Group by 38.3% during the second quarter. KBC Group NV now owns 72,995 shares of the transportation company’s stock valued at $722,000 after buying an additional 20,229 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Millennium Management LLC grew its holdings in shares of LATAM Airlines Group by 192.0% during the first quarter. Millennium Management LLC now owns 670,405 shares of the transportation company’s stock valued at $10,318,000 after buying an additional 440,816 shares during the last quarter. 2.39% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.

News Source: Fairfieldcurrent