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FIFA’s general secretary, Jerome Valcke  addressed the issue of the preparation of stadiums still in the final stages of construction for the World Cup, admitting once again that they are priority for FIFA, but stressed that other factors are contributing to Brazil, in fact , organize the World Cup successfully.

“In the operative aspect, we are moving in the right direction, not only in relation to their own World Cup, as well as after 2014. Recently read comments in the Brazilian press that FIFA is only interested in the stadiums. Undoubtedly without them we could not hold the tournament and so it is natural that it is important for us that they are completed on time. However,an event the proportions of a World Cup can not be organized with stadiums only . To ensure that the Public, the Teams and and Press can live a great experience, it takes public transportation, airports and accommodation, “he warned.

Valcke also commented the fact that Brazil has just lost one of its biggest Football idols, Gilmar dos Santos Neves.

“Unfortunately, we must say farewell last week to one of the greats of Brazilian football: Gilmar dos Santos Neves, a goalkeeper truly iconic. Few people in Brazil will forget his contribution in the World Cups of 1958 and 1962 when Brazil obtained the first two of its five world titles. He will forever be remembered by the football community and will continue to live in the history books ” Valcke praised.

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