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Data released by Panorama 2019 of Abear (Brazilian Association of Airline Companies) show that, over the past year, Brazilian air transport collected R $ 32.6 billion in taxes. The number is equivalent to 1.3% of the country’s revenue in an activity responsible for generating 1.4 million jobs (1.6% of the total) and the payment of R $ 42.9 billion in salaries (1.7% of salary mass). According to the survey, aviation generated R $ 103.4 billion in value-added to the economy or 1.4% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The commitment of Brazilian airlines to reduce fuel consumption and the consequent CO2 emissions is also highlighted in this Panorama edition.

According to Abear, the publication also brings several improvements to measure the quality of the services provided, such as the already traditional punctuality of national aviation, proof of the sector’s continuous efficiency gains, among other diverse data and studies that show the importance and the relevance of aviation to the country’s economy and development.

“It is important to highlight that this edition represents the last annual set of data and analyzes of the sector prepared by Abear before the severe impact of the new coronavirus pandemic. This makes Panorama 2019 vitally important to serve as a reliable basis for comparing commercial aviation information, once this scenario is overcome and we are back to normal levels of operation and performance ”, says the association’s president, Eduardo Sanovicz.

Abear’s full report can be accessed on this link.