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It creates jobs… Airlines, airport operators, airport on-site enterprises (restaurants and retail), aircraft manufacturers, and air navigation service providers employed 270,000 people in Brazil in 2014.

On top of this by buying goods and services from local suppliers, it supported another 400,000 jobs, and when these people spend their wages, it supported a further 190,000 jobs in 2014.

Foreign tourists arriving by air to Brazil, who spend their money in the local economy, are estimated to have supported an additional 280,000 jobs in 2014. …and generates wealth The industry also supported a $25.1 billion gross value added contribution to GDP in Brazil. Spending by foreign tourists supported a further $7.8 billion gross value added contribution to the country’s GDP.

This means that 1.4 percent of the country’s GDP is supported by the air transport sector and foreign tourists arriving by air. Aviation-supported jobs and gross value added were buoyed in 2014 by Brazil hosting the football World Cup.



Click here to see full report from IATA  – Benefits-of-aviation-brazil-2017