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The prevailing Covid risk since 2019 has forced many countries to bring strict health regulations, especially for the airlines. When talking about Brazil, the health regulators had mentioned not to serve food and beverage for domestic flights, which would otherwise increase the risk of infection transmission. But now as the Covid transmission cases are reducing, the health regulators are changing back many regulations to bring back normal in-flight services. 

The New Regulations

According to the new regulations coming from Anvisa (a federal health regulatory agency in Brazil), now the food will be served on different domestic Brazilian airlines. But there are a set of rules that have been mentioned for the purpose. 

The food service will be fast so that the passengers do not have to keep their masks removed from their faces for a much longer time. Thus, while the passengers will be provided with the refreshment in-flight service, it is also taken care that the Covid health measures are taken care of. 

Secondly, as soon as the passengers are done with their eating, the in-flight crew will have to remove the trash the earliest. Also, there are special guidelines regarding the trash that has come into direct contact with the saliva of the passengers. 

Thus, while the health regulators are trying to bring back the normal in-flight services to provide proper comfort to the passengers, they are also taking care that nothing can lead to an increase in the covid cases once again. 

Security Measures taken by Brazil

Recently, many countries such as the US has removed restrictions on Brazil for international travel purpose. This is because Brazil has taken ample security measures to make sure that air travel in Brazil is safe for national as well as international passengers. 

To curb the rising cases, the country has accelerated the vaccination drive and has taken it in a much more serious way than before. Also, the airports in Brazil are also maintaining specific guidelines such as only those passengers are permitted to fly who are able to show the final certificate of vaccination. All the domestic, as well as international airports, are following these guidelines very strictly to curb any further increase in cases. 

Brazil has noticed a spike in the passengers in last few weeks for various reasons. It is due to the increasing demand that the country is opening gates for international tourists to be a part of the festivals happening in the country.