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The Brazilian government released a report outlining the measures being implemented to help the Brazilian Travel Industry, which includes lower interest, longer repayment terms for businesses, re-scheduling of travel plans, refunds, labor relations, restriction of foreign visitors, and repatriation of Brazilians.

Economical Measures:
The Ministry of Tourism will make credit  easier for small, medium and large companies. The Ministry also announced that will be released R$381 million to financial institutions that are accredited for loans. Besides of that, there will be an interest reduction from 7% to 5% per year and loans payment postponement for those who are in default.


Reschedules and Refunds:

Consumers who reschedule their travels planned for the next 60 days, will be able to do it without additional costs. It is strongly recommended that the Airlines and Tourism companies offer the possibility and flexibility to negotiate with the consumers, avoiding biggest losses for themselves and the whole tourist sector. Consumers are recommended to be cautious and reschedule instead of canceling. In regards to air tickets, the passengers that decide to postpone their travels will have the change fee waived if they accept the credit to book another ticket within 12 months (counting from the original booking date). Passengers who decide to cancel and choose the refund will be subject to the original airfare rules where penalties may apply. If the air ticket is non-refundable,  the boarding tax value must be refunded in full within 12 months.

Any changes made by the Airlines company, specially in regards to flight time or itinerary, must be informed to passengers 72 hours prior departure. If the information is not sent within the time frame. the company must offer to the passengers either full refund or other flight available.



The Ministry of Economy expanded the figures intended for emergency measures from R$147,3 billion to 169,6 billion.  This total will be divided to flight the pandemic, to assist the most vulnerable population and maintenance of jobs. It was also  created a special program: The Anti Unemployment to make it easier the working negotiations as home office working, vacation anticipation, collective vacation, salaries and working time reduction, FGTS withdrawal.

Workers who are not registered at the labor department or small business owners who qualify for the  Federal Government Social Programs (Cadastro Unico) and are 18 years older, will receive an  emergency help of R$200.00 per month during three months.

Entry Restriction and Repatriation:

Starting March 23, it is restricted the entrance of foreigners in the country for 30 days. This measure applies to China, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Great Britain, North Ireland, Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Korea and EU.

The Ministry of Tourism together with the Ministry of External relations, ANAC, EMBRATUR and Airlines companies are coordinating the repatriation of Brazilian tourists withheld in other countries.